Ground nut/Peanut Pakoda

Ground nut/Peanut pakoda

     Ingredients: Ground nuts/Pea nuts-100 grams

                         Besan/chick pea flour -4 tea spoons

                         Rice flour - 1 tea spoon

                         Ginger garlic paste - 1/2 tea spoon

                         Coriander powder - 1/2 tea spoon

                         Garam masala powder - 1/2 tea spoon(optional)


                         Oil for deep frying

    How to make 
    Take bowl add besan/chick pea flour, rice flour, ginger garlic paste, coriander powder

    garam masala powder, salt and finally add ground nuts.

    before adding ground nuts, take bowl of water soak ground nuts 2 minutes

    remove from water add all mixing bowl.

    Mix all ingredients

    Heat oil in pan, drop ground nut mixture into oil and fry them and drain excess oil.

    Crispy crispy ground nut pakoda is ready.

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