Bittergourd Chips

Bitter gourd Chips

    Ingredients: Bitter gourd -1k.g

                        Corn flour -50 grams

                        All purpose flour/Maida -70 grams

                        Ginger garlic paste -11/2 tea spoon

                        Coriander powder -1 tea spoon

                        Red chilli powder - 1/2 tea spoon

                        Cumin powder -1/2 tea spoon

                        Coriander -1 bunch

                        Salt for taste

                        Oil for deep frying

    How to make

     Clean the bitter gourd and cut into slices.

     Take water into bowl add salt.
     Bitter gourd slices put in salt water boil for 5 minutes and strain them, set aside.

     Take a bowl add all purpose flour, corn flour, ginger garlic paste, red chilli powder, cumin

     powder,  Coriander powder, salt and water mix all them as thin batter.

     Heat oil in pan.

     Take bitter gourd slices dip in batter drop into oil one by one.

      Fry them, turn golden brown and remove from oil strain from excess oil.

      Now  Bitter gourd chips are ready for eat.


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