Mirchi Bajji

Mirchi Bajji

    Ingredients: Besan/ chickpea flour/gram flour -2 cups

                        Rice flour -2 tea spoons

                       Green chillies -10

                       Oil for deep fry


                       Ajowan /carom seeds -2 spoons

                      Cooking soda - 2 pinches


   Take washed  green chillies split them in center remove seed and fill with ajowan set aside.

   Take the bowl add besan/chickpea flour, rice flour, add cooking soda, add salt
   add required water mix all the ingredients, smooth batter is ready to make bajji.

                        batter is not too much thin  or too much thick

   Method: Take the pan add oil and heat
                Take the chillies dip in the batter  fry in  medium flame.

                 fry turn golden brown transfer them on tissue paper for observe extra oil.

                 take into serving plate enjoy with onion and lemon juice.


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