Yam/Kanda Chips

Yam/Kanda Chips


     Turmeric powder-2 tea spoons

     Oil for deep fry
     water - 4 cups

     Red chilli powder - 2 tea spoons

     Salt for taste

     Asafoetida powder - 1 tea spoon

   How to make

   Take four cups water add 2 tea spoons turmeric powder set aside, peel the yam/kanda cut into your

   desired shape slices. 

   Soak the slices in turmeric water at least  30 minutes.

   After 30 minutes strain the water, wipe the slices with towel and little more time dry on cloth.

   Take the pan add oil fry the yam slices.

   Take the fried yam chips into the bowl add salt, red chilli powder and  asafoetida.

   Yam/kanda chips ready to eat.

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